Communicator/Educator Training Set for District 006 Affiliated Local Lodges

Affiliated local lodges from District Lodge 006 will participate in Communicator and Educator training on Friday, March 16, 2018. The training will begin at 8:00 a.m. and last until 4:00 p.m. at Fenton Hall located at 2000 Walker Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50317.

The training will be conducted by Communications Representative LaToya Egwuekwe-Smith and Education Representative Joe Gruber, who are both on the Midwest Territory Staff. The classes should be both informative and interesting.  Lunch will be provided.


Arbitrator Reverses Termination: Oskaloosa Member Made Whole

Steven Johnson, a member of Local Lodge 1498 in Oskaloosa, Iowa, knows first hand the importance of a Union contract and Union representation. Brother Johnson sums it up in two short sentences, “Awesome. The Union got my job back!”

Brother Johnson was terminated for “gross insubordination” in April of 2017. Johnson’s offense: Using the wrong restroom in an emergency. The Company refused to recognize the mitigating circumstance and potential loss of dignity that Johnson was faced with. The Union would not stand for this injustice. Continue reading

Local Lodge 1498 H.E.L.P.S. Oskaloosa Community/Fire Department

It’s all about timing.

At a monthly Local Lodge 1498 meeting, on the first Monday of the month, a program called IAM H.E.L.P.S. was brought up and discussed. The next day Jeff Elliott, one of the members of the lodge, ran into a friend of his from the Oskaloosa Fire Department, Dave Christenson. The conversation lead to the topic of clearing away snow from fire hydrants and how that impacted public safety. The rest–you could say–is history.

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District Lodge 006 Slate of Business Representatives Re-Elected

The current slate of Business Representatives for IAMAW District Lodge 006 were re-elected to a new 4-year term. They were declared elected after no challengers secured any nominations from the eighteen local lodges which make up the district. Nominations are held during the month of September and elections are held in the month of November.

The BRs are Doug Day, John Herrig, Randy Krewson, Jerry Nowadzky, and David “Scott” Webster. Directing Business Representative and Assistant Directing Business Representative will be decided in the January District Delegate Meeting.

Union Made Labor Day

Labor Day is a holiday created by Organized Labor for ALL who labor. As you enjoy this Labor Day weekend, do so by enjoying your favorite union-made snacks, beverages, and products. Click on the title below.


An Open Invite From PERB

Across Iowa, we know there are many questions concerning the new upcoming recertification elections.  This new requirement under House File 291 will affect all public bargaining units operating under an annual contract this year and all bargaining units in future years.  As a result, PERB Board Members and Administrative Law Judges will be holding a series of regional meetings across Iowa to update the latest information that we have available to share.

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Senate Rejects Slimmed-Down Obamacare Repeal

In the early morning hours of Friday, July 28, 2017 the U. S. Senate rejected a slimmed-down version to repeal Obamacare after Senator John McCain (AZ) voted “No”. The final vote was 49-51.